SCT Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship
Download SCT Student Scholarship FlyerCongratulations to the 2024 Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship Finalists!
Peter K. ZhangMedical College of Wisconsin
Title: Covariate-Adjusted Group Sequential Comparisons of Survival Probabilities
Jessica L. WildUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Title: Upstrapping to Determine Futility: Predicting Future Outcomes Nonparametrically From Past Data
Kehao ZhuUniversity of Washington
Title: Designing Cancer Screening Trials for Reduction in Late-Stage Cancer Incidence
Recipient Archive
Eligibility Information
Who is Eligible
Students currently enrolled in a graduate degree program (Masters, PhD, or DrPH) of an accredited college or university, or post-doctoral fellows (2 years from completing their PhD/DrPH). Previous finalists are not eligible.
Appropriate topics for Submission
All clinical trial-related issues such as study design and data analysis methods; meta-analysis; medical, ethical or legal issues; data entry, management, and computing as it relates to clinical trials; review of the results or methods of a class of trials; or scholarship in the history of clinical trials. Important papers illustrating applications are particularly encouraged.
Appropriate Topics for Submission
All clinical trial-related issues including (but not restricted to) study design and data analysis methods; meta-analysis; medical, ethical or legal issues in clinical trials; diversity and inclusion in clinical trials; data entry, management, monitoring, sharing, informatics, software development, and computing as it relates to clinical trials; review of the results or methods of a class of trials; or scholarship in the history of clinical trials. Important papers illustrating applications of novel methodology in clinical trials are particularly encouraged.
Application Requirements
- Applicant must be first author on manuscript.
- At the time of submission, the manuscript should not be published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
- Applicant must be willing to attend the SCT meeting in Boston (May 19-22, 2024) to present the paper if selected as a finalist.
Submissions Should Include
- An abstract of maximum 500 words.
- A short manuscript of maximum 3500 words, not including title, author names, tables/figures or bibliography; the total number of figures and tables is limited to 4.
- A letter from the student's advisor/mentor or department chair confirming status as a student enrolled in a graduate degree program or post-doctoral fellow at the time of submission.
- The manuscript and letter should be uploaded as a single (zipped) file in the submission portal.
- You must indicate whether or not you would like your submission to be considered for a poster presentation if you are not selected as a finalist.
How to Apply
- Visit the online submission form by clicking here.
NOTE: Each candidate can only submit one entry. However, candidates can be co-authors (not first author) on other entries.
What the Three Finalists and One Winner Receive:
Three students will be designated Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship Finalists and will receive complimentary meeting registration (with the exception of optional ticketed courses/events), travel (i.e., economy class roundtrip airfare and ground transportation), hotel, and meal expenses to present their papers at the SCT annual meeting. The three finalists present their papers at the meeting. The winner will then be selected by the SCT Student Scholarship Committee and be presented the Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship Award in addition to a $500 cash prize and a one-year SCT membership.
About Dr. Thomas C. Chalmers
This Scholarship was named in honor of Dr. Thomas C. Chalmers, who was a founding member of SCT, served on the Board and was President in 1984.
Dr. Chalmers was a dedicated early advocate of randomized trials, evidence-based medicine, pioneered methods of practices that have become standards today. Students enrolled in a degree prgram of an accredited college or university, or post-doctoral fellows are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
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Upcoming SCT Annual Meetings
SAVE THE DATES for these upcoming meetings!
46th Annual Meeting
47th Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ, USA
48th Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL, USA
Minority Student Engagement Award
Call for the ED&I Student Award Nomination
The Society for Clinical Trials' (SCT) Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (ED&I) is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2022 ED&I Student Award. One of the many goals of the ED&I Committee is to promote a diverse SCT membership. To that end, we welcome applicants currently pursuing graduate or professional degrees in epidemiology, clinical fields (e.g. medicine, nursing, pharmacy), biostatistics, statistics, data science, and computer science with an interest in pursuing careers in clinical trials.
Each award will cover meeting registration, a one-year SCT membership, and up to $1600 for travel and hotel expenses to attend the 2022 SCT Annual Meeting (May 15-18, 2022) in San Diego, CA. All awardees will have the opportunity to network with the SCT leadership, members of the ED&I committee, and be recognized during the meeting.
Eligibility for this award will be guided by the definitions of race and ethnicity used by the National Institutes of Health in identifying underrepresented groups in biomedical research. As such, to be eligible, applicants must identify with at least one of the following: Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, First Nations or Indigenous, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Islanders.
Qualified applicants may submit their application by emailing the following information to by March 18th, 2022.
- Name
- Institution Email Address
- A signed letter from your advisor at the institution certifying student status
- Personal statement describing
- a) your interest in pursuing a career in clinical trials and
- b) how membership in SCT and/or conference attendance will facilitate your professional development (limit 1000 words total)
- A statement indicating whether you plan to attend the annual conference in person
- Under-represented group(s) with which you identify: Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, First Nations or Indigenous, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Islanders
Please note that applicants may not be current or previous members of SCT.
Awardees will be notified by April 1st, 2022.
SCT Sponsored Webinar Proposal
If you are interested in presenting a webinar for SCT members, please complete the SCT Webinar Proposal Form (Step 1 below) and submit to (Step 2 below) for review and consideration by the SCT Education Committee. The Webinar Proposal Form should be no more than two pages long.
Click here for a sample SCT Webinar Proposal Form. Please contact with any questions.