DMC Training

  • DMC COMMENTARIES are by leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair. They share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
  • DMC CONVERSATIONS with Dave DeMets and 4 clinicians, very experienced in DMCs as a member or chair, engaged in a conversation with DL DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC and wanted to share. In addition, Dr Rockhold has extensive DMC experience from many years in industry and now most recently at Duke University.

  23 Training Opportunities

Dave DeMets, PhD
DMC Training
[1] Introduction by Dave DeMets
Jim Neaton, PhD / Dave DeMets, PhD
DMC Training
[2.01] DMC Video Lectures
Lecture I: DMC Structure and Function (1:34:17)
The history, rationale, structure and function of DMCs is described.
Jim Neaton, PhD / Dave DeMets, PhD
DMC Training
[2.02] DMC Video Lectures
Lecture II: DMC Case Studies (1:17:45)
Examples of DMC activity from actual completed trials are shared, illustrating the challenges of determining early interim evidence for benefit, potential harm or futility or other possible complications.
Jim Neaton, PhD / Dave DeMets, PhD
DMC Training
[2.03] DMC Video Lectures
Lecture III: DMC Statistical Tools (1:43:39)
Some statistical methods such as group sequential and conditional power are described as used to monitor accumulating data for evidence of benefit, potential harm or futility.
Susan Ellenberg, PhD
DMC Training
[3.01] Seattle 2020 Symposium on DMCs
Lecture I: DMC Structure and Function (1:59:20)
The history, rationale, structure and function of a DMC are described using examples to illustrate the key issues.
Janet Wittes, PhD
DMC Training
[3.02] Seattle 2020 Symposium on DMCs
Lecture II: Independent Statistician and DMC Reports (2:32:52)
DMC Reports must be prepared and presented to the DMC for their review. Recommendations for preparation and structure are shared to allow for effective and efficient DMC review.
Tom Fleming, PhD
DMC Training
[3.03] Seattle 2020 Symposium on DMCs
Lecture III: DMC Best Practices (2:42:31)
Over the past 5 decades of DMC experience, many lessons have been learned and captured into best DMC practices or principles.
Dave DeMets, PhD
DMC Training
[4.01] FDA CDER DMC Workshop
Lecture IV: Statistical Methods for DMCs (1:06:32)
Lectures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 above are variations of lectures presented at the FDA CDER. Lecture 4.1 presented here is the FDA lecture on useful statistical methods for interim monitoring of accumulating data for early evidence of convincing benefit, potential harm or trial futility.
Stuart Pocock, PhD
DMC Training
[4.02] DMC Video Lecture
Lecture V: DMC Scenarios
This lecture gives a brief overview of common statistical methods for interim analyses but focuses mostly on DMC scenarios that were challenging or instructive for the DMC
Matt Downs, MPH
DMC Training
[4.03] Matt Downs, MPH - Statistics Collaborative
Lecture VI: DMC Reports: A Graphical Approach (1:35:47)
An effective and efficient approach to DMC Report presentation is to use the graphic power of leading statistical software, which has proven to be well accepted by DMC members. This lecture provides insights and examples of such presentation.
Barry Davis, MD/PhD
DMC Training
[5.01] Barry Davis, MD/PhD - Univ of Texas SPH
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Chris Granger, MD
DMC Training
[5.02] Chris Granger, MD - Duke University
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Charles Hennekens, MD/DPH
DMC Training
[5.03] Charles Hennekens, MD/DPH - Florida Atlantic University
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Jean Rouleau, MD
DMC Training
[5.04] Jean Rouleau, MD - Montreal Heart Institute
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Peter Sandercock, MD
DMC Training
[5.05] Peter Sandercock, MD - University of Edinburgh
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Lew Smith, MD
DMC Training
[5.06] Lew Smith, MD - Northwestern University
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
Richard Whitley, MD
DMC Training
[5.07] Richard Whitley, MD - University of Alabama
DMC Commentary
Leading clinicians experienced in DMCs as a member or as a DMC chair, share what they have experienced that make DMC participation a valuable & rewarding service.
William Kelly, MD
DMC Training
[5.08] William Kelly, MD - Thomas Jefferson University
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.
Marc Pfeffer, MD/PhD
DMC Training
[5.09] Marc Pfeffer, MD/PhD - Harvard University
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.
Peter Sandercock, MD
DMC Training
[5.10] Peter Sandercock, MD - University of Edinburgh
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.
Richard Whitley, MD
DMC Training
[5.11] Richard Whitley, MD - University of Alabama
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.
Frank Rockhold, PhD
DMC Training
[5.12] Frank Rockhold, PhD - Duke University
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.
Milton Packer, PhD
DMC Training
[5.13] Milton Packer - Baylor University Medical School
DMC Conversations with Dave DeMets
Highly experienced clinicians, in DMCs as a member or chair, engage in a conversation with Dr. DeMets on issues they had while serving on a DMC.