SCT Annual Meeting Presentations & Videos
* Note that only Keynote Lectures and Trial of the Year are available to non-members for 2022 and 2023.
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Merit Cudkowicz
2024 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Advances in Neurotherapeutics Updates on ALS and NeuroNEXT
Adam Devall
2024 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
Randomized Trial of Early Detection and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Alan T. Tita
2023 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
The Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy Treatment Trial (CHAP)
Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo
2023 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
Medical Publishing in Dynamic Times: A View from JAMA and the JAMA Network
John P.A. Ioannidis
2023 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Meta-epidemiology of evidence from clinical trials
Dong-Yun Kim
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
All for One, One for All: How to Run Multiple Networks of COVID-19 Clinical Trials on a Common Platform Using Bayesian Method
Susan Ellenberg
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Overcoming the Challenges
Riaz Qureshi
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Data Visualization Approaches to Presenting Harms in Clinical Trials
Marie Kay
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Assessment of a Risk-Based Quality Management Approach to Protocol Deviations - A Data Coordinating Center's Experience
Eric Fischer
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Dynamically Generating Study Monitoring Reports via Email
Kelly Karavolos
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Challenges of Data Collection for a Fully Remote Clinical Trial with a Multi-Component Outcome: Virtual ELM Pilot Study
Rebecca Metcalfe
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Integrating Patient Values into Clinical Trials Using a Patient-Centered Composite Endpoint: A Case Study Using the Control of Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) Trial
Hakim-Moulay Dehbi
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Early Phase Dose-Finding Trials in Virology
Jack Wolf
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
A Permutation Procedure to Detect Heterogeneous Treatments Effects in Randomized Clinical Trials While Controlling the Type-I Error Rate
Peter Godolphin
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Estimating Interactions and Subgroup-Specific Treatment Effects in Meta-Analysis Without Aggregation Bias: A Within-Trial Framework
Jiyang Wen
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing for Multiple Competing Risks in Comparative Clinical Trials
Mithat Gönen
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Annual Business Meeting 2022
Chalmers & Green Award Presentations
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Award Presentation
Andrea Viecelli, Jiyang Wen, Peter Godolphin, Jack Wolf
Class of 2022 Fellows
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Fellows Presentation
Thomas Cook & Alexia Iasonos
Drs. Edward Mills & Gilmar Reis
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
The TOGETHER Trial: An Adaptive Platform International Trial
Dr. Robert Califf, FDA Commissioner
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
The Time is Now to Fix the Evidence Generation System
Dr. Worta McCaskill-Stevens
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Lessons Learned From the National Cancer Institute's Community Based Clinical Trials
Fernando Santos Sanchez
2022 (San Diego) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
A Novel Approach Employing Readability Metrics and Crowdsourcing to Improve Randomised Clinical Trial Information Leaflets
Dikla Blumberg
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Strategies to Collaboratively Manage Protocol Deviations in Multi-Site Clinical Trials
Michael Grayling
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Where is the good? The bad and the ugly of single-arm trial reporting
Penny Reynolds
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Where have all the trials gone? Academic trialists do not report clinical trial results
James Moore
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Wearable Devices: Technology, Time Issues and Statistical Resolutions
Quyen Duong
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Understanding Verbosity: Associations between Consent Form Length and Funding Source in Cancer Clinical Trials
Kari Williams
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
The Impact of Interdisciplinary Relationships on Single IRB Selection in a National Clinical Trial Network
Arsenio Paez
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
The IDEAL Reporting Guidelines for Reporting the Evaluation of Surgical Innovation
Arsenio Paez
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
The CONSIDER framework - Guiding intervention fidelity and study design in clinical trials of surgery.
Kathryn Arnold
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Successful implementation of a novel trial design in a palliative care population
Xiaoyan Yin
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Sequential, Multiple-Assignment, Randomized Trials for COMparing Personalized Antibiotic StrategieS (SMART-COMPASS): Design Considerations for Selecting the Optimal Treatment
Janel Fedler
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Sample Size Estimates for Optical Coherence Tomography Outcome Measures Based on Trends Observed in the SPRINT-MS Trial
Kevin Fain
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Race and ethnicity reporting for clinical trials in and publications.
Muniza Sheikh
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Common Data Element (CDE) Recommendations: Project Overview and Recent Updates
Michael Grayling
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Multi-arm multi-stage designs with fixed stage-wise sample sizes
Lawrence Ragard
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Interdisciplinary collaboration in review of national coverage analysis (NCA) documents to enhance clinical trial site activation and recruitment of participants.
Elias Klemperer
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Implementation, recruitment, and retention for an emergency department initiated buprenorphine intervention for opioid use disorder
Elizabeth Wright
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Data Sharing Plans in Manuscripts Reporting Results of Randomized Clinical Trials Published in International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Member Journals during 2019
Joseph Rausch
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Comparing ANCOVA and Constrained Longitudinal Data Analysis for Examining Moderators in Randomized Clinical Trials
Brian Burke
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Closing Out a Long-Term Longitudinal Study: Lessons from the TODAY Study
Chenxiang Li
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Generalization of Randomized Trial Results with Latent Motivation – A Propensity Score Approach
Lan Zhang
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Buy or Build: Considerations for a robust data management system used in Phase 3 Clinical Studies
James Wise
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Building a Comprehensive Clinical Site Performance Portal in Support of Risk-Based Monitoring
Christina Clise
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Blurring the Boundaries Between Clinical Trials and Healthcare Ecosystems.
Joel Gagnier
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Bias Associated with Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Meta-Analyses
Arsenio Paez
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Beyond the RCT: When are randomised trials unnecessary for new therapeutic devices, and what should we do instead?
Carlton Hornung
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Assessing the Competency of the Clinical Research Workforce: Formal Education; Role in the Research Enterprise; Research Setting; and Years of Experience.
Tolulope Abidogun
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Analysis of Intent to Share Individual Participant Data (IPD) for Clinical Trials Registered on
Arsenio Paez
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
An introduction to ideal
Caroline Kristunas
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
An evaluation of the use of covariate constrained randomisation for stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial
Gary Gensler
2020 (Virtual) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Addressing changes to a closeout data set
Various Speakers
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Special Founders Session
James J. Dignam & Letitia Perdue
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Award Presentation
Thomas C. Chalmers Scholarship, Sylvan Green & Poster Awards
Dr. Monica Bertagnolli
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
Building a learning health care system, and learning from every patient
Dr. Lynette Keyes-Elstein
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
The Scleroderma: Cyclophosphamide or Transplantation (SCOT) trial
Sumithra Mandrekar
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Presidential Welcome
Clinical Trials: A Catalyst for Societal Advancement through Innovation
Thomas Fleming
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Striving to achieve and protect the integrity of clinical trials
Li Chen
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Synthesize Read-World Data with Randomized Clinical Trial Data for Efficient Drug Development
Joel Stevans
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Implementation of the Multi-Site Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial: Targeted Interventions to Prevent Chronic Low Back Pain (LBP) in High Risk Patients (TARGET)
Charity Patterson
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Rebecca Neiberg
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Kelley Kidwell
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Educational Session
SMART clinical trial design for large and small samples
Shaun Treweek
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Increasing the trial process evidence base without increasing research waste
David Kent
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Educational Session
Personalized evidence based medicine: predictive approaches to heterogeneous treatment effects in randomized trials
Juliana Tolles
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Challenges and Best Practices for Data Monitoring Committees (DMCs) Overseeing Adaptive Clinical Trials
Jessica Kasza
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Staircase cluster randomised trial designs
Katie Jentoft
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Shun Fu Lee
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Sample size calculation for cluster randomized crossover trials of multiple periods.
Kerry Avery
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
A modular core outcome set for seamless, standardised evaluation and reporting of outcomes throughout the surgical device innovation lifecycle: the COHESIVE study
Kerry Avery
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Developing a hospital-integrated system for electronic patient-reporting, detection and management of symptoms and complications after surgery
Various Speakers
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Annual Business Meeting 2019
Gareth Davies
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
Surgeons’ lack of understanding of levels of evidence and trial methodology is a major barrier to randomized trials in surgery
Naveen Pereira
2019 (New Orleans) Annual Meeting
Contributed Session
TAILOR PCI: Transitioning a Genotype Based Randomized Clinical Trial to a Registry Using Digital Solutions
Nicola Mills
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Achieving the impossible? Case studies of successful recruitment to randomised clinical trials considered contentious or impossible
Theodore Lystig
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Dynamic determination of a power prior parameter – the discount prior approach
Roger J. Lewis
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Design of an Adaptive Trial of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Refractory Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (EROCA)
Lehana Thabane
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
In memory of Dave Sackett: Interim data sharing by data safety monitoring boards of trials (Alternative title: Dave Sackett’s last project on interim data sharing by DSMBs of trials)
Catherine Dillon
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Optimizing investigational drug management to enhance clinical trial operation quality
Jeremy Grimshaw
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Developing a framework for the ethical design and conduct of pragmatic trials: consultation with the clinical trials community
Greg Ball
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Dynamic and Interactive Collaboration between Quantitative and Clinical Scientists: Towards a Better Way of Monitoring and Evaluating Safety Data during Clinical Development
Jeremy Grimshaw
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Introducing the new CONSORT extension for the Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial
Professor Jeremy Grimshaw
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Designing Trials within Implementation Laboratories
Frank Rockhold
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Open Sharing of Clinical Trial Data
Caitlyn Meinzer
2018 (Portland) Annual Meeting
Session Proposal
Adaptive Timing of Interim Analysis for Primary Efficacy Outcome
J. Michael Gaziano
2017 (Liverpool) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
The Million Veteran Program: A Modern Mega-Cohort within a Healthcare system Using Big Health Data to Improve Health Care
Jerry Wolinsky
2017 (Liverpool) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
Susan S. Ellenberg
2017 (Liverpool) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Clinical Trials in the Twenty-First Century: Ongoing Challenges and Emerging Issues
Susan Halabi
2017 (Liverpool) Annual Meeting
Fellows Presentation
Presentation of the Class of 2017 Fellows
Daumit et al
2014 (Philadelphia) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
The Randomized Trial of Achieving Healthy Lifestyles in Psychiatric Rehabilitation (ACHIEVE)
Peter Peduzzi
2014 (Philadelphia) Annual Meeting
Fellows Presentation
Presentation of the Class of 2014 Fellows
Paul Wakim
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statsticians (3) Trial Monitoring (Interim analyses & sample-size recalculation)
Paul Wakim
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statsticians (5) Publication of Results
Michele Melia
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statsticians (4) Final Analysis & Subgroup Analysis (reject H0, p-value, correct, site-by-treatment interaction)
Paul Wakim
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statsticians (2) Analysis Plan (simple vs. complex, use of covariates, longitudinal models, handling missing data)
Michele Melia
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statsticians (1) Overview of Trial Design (hypothesis testing, sample size, power)
Karthik Venkatakrishnan
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics for Statisticians and Clinical Trialists (3) Drug-Drug Interactions and Pharmacogenomic Variation (Part 2 - Application in Therapuetics and Drug Development)
Karthik Venkatakrishnan
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics for Statisticians and Clinical Trialists (2) Drug-Drug Interactions and Pharmacogenomic Variation (Part 1 - Illustrated Examples of Principles)
Kevin Sweeney
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics for Statisticians and Clinical Trialists (4) Principles of Pharmacometrics
David Greenblatt
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics for Statisticians and Clinical Trialists (1) Pharmacokenetics
Peter Peduzzi
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Fellows Presentation
Presentation of the Class of 2013 Fellows
Atul Butte
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Transforming a Trillion Points of Data into Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and New Insights into Disease
Dale Williams
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
35 Years of SCT
Anne Lindblad
2013 (Boston) Annual Meeting
Presidential Welcome
Jim Neaton
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials - Trial Stategies to Reduce the Frequency of Missing Data
Sue-Jane Wang
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Biomarkers in Clinical Trials: General Principles for Study Design and Statistical Evaluation (1)-Overview of Biomarkers in Drug Development
Gene Pennello
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Biomarkers in Clinical Trials: General Principles for Study Design and Statistical Evaluation (3)-Overview of Biomarkers in Device Development
Geert Molenberghs
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Biomarkers in Clinical Trials: General Principles for Study Design and Statistical Evaluation (2)-Overview of Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation in Clinic Studies
Sumithra Mandrekar
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Biomarkers in Clinical Trials: General Principles for Study Design and Statistical Evaluation (4)-Biomaker Trial Designs: Lessons from Real Trials
Larry Friedman
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Trial of the Year Award
In Memory of Paul Meier & MOMS: Management of Myelomeningocele Study
Wafaa El-Sadr
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Global HIV Prevention Trials
John P.A. Ioannidis
2012 (Miami) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
Designing and Dissecting the Geometry of Randomized Evidence
Yves Rosenberg
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (1) Introduction to Randomized Clinical Trials
Michele Melia
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (4) Treatment Allocation
Laura Lovato
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (2) Data Collection, Reporting, and Quality Control Issues
Susan Halabi
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (6) General Statistical Concepts
Susan Halabi
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (5) Choice of Endpoints
Dixie Ecklund
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop - Essentials of Randomized Clinical Trials - (3) Project Management in Clinical Trials
Johan Karlberg
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
Asian Clinical Trial Trends by Sponsor, Trial Phase, Disease Area, Country
Anushka Patel
2011 (Vancouver) Annual Meeting
Curtis Meinert Lecture
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Clinical Trials in Asia
José Pinheiro
2010 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop: Adaptive Clinical Trials (2) Adaptive Dose-Ranging Designs and Methods
Roger Lewis
2010 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop: Adaptive Clinical Trials (1) Short Course
Jason Connor
2010 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Special Presentation
Workshop: Adaptive Clinical Trials (3) Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Clinical Trials
Richard Schilsky
2010 (Baltimore) Annual Meeting
Founders Lecture
Publicly Funded Clinical Trials in the Era of Comparative Research Effectiveness