Welcome Message from 2024-25 SCT President

On behalf of the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT), welcome!

The SCT is a scientific, educational, and charitable organization established to advance human health through excellence in clinical trials, the development and dissemination of optimal clinical trial methodologies and practices, and the education and development of clinical trial researchers. The SCT has international, multidisciplinary, and multi-medical specialty membership from academia, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and government organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, and as far as the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center (NCVC) and National Cancer Center (NCC) in Japan.

The importance of the SCT has never been greater. While the research world is in a pandemic of irreplicability, the clinical trial remains the gold standard for evaluating the benefits and harms of interventions, providing the most robust and reliable evidence to inform clinical practice, and improve the lives of our fellow human beings around the world. Together we ensure that well-designed, conducted, analyzed, and reported clinical trials are the scientific sanctuary, where important questions are resolved because of unfaltering attentiveness to robustness, scientific rigor, objectivity, error control, transparency, and sound conduct.

The SCT provides important opportunities for early, mid, and late-career clinical trialists for the exchange of ideas, collaboration, education and career development, and participation in discussions about challenging issues in clinical trials. We invite you to join us as SCT members to benefit from access to webinars, conference presentations and workshops, subscription to the SCT’s journal Clinical Trials, and discounted registration for the SCT’s annual meeting. We hope that you join us in beautiful Vancouver from May 18-21, 2025 for the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials!

Scott Evans, PhD, MS
SCT President 2024-25
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